Christine Lambert, Principal
St. Peter Canisius School is foremost a school centered around our Catholic Faith. Here, students study an academic program that is child centered and faith oriented. Our staff and students are very caring.Together they raise thousands of dollars each year to support such programs as Jump Rope for Heart, food drives and mission projects. We celebrate the sacraments, devote time to daily prayer and attend church as a school once a month.
At St. Peter Canisius Catholic Elementary School, we are very proud of our school community in its 50th year of Catholic Education. This school offers many opportunities for our children to experience personal growth. We provide an engaging approach to education and work hard to instill a passion for learning. Our school emphasis is on reading and the love of books.
Parents count at St. Peter Canisius. We encourage their involvement by encouraging them to volunteer time and energy as well as asking them to work with the school to enable their child's personal best. Parent support is a large part of our strength.
We are a student-centered school that believes that every student can be successful. You can see this through our smiles, kind words and strong emphasis on quality Catholic education. At St. Peter Canisius, we work hard to keep "Students First!".