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St. Peter Canisius Catholic School

424 Victoria Street
Watford, Ontario N0M 2S0

Phone: (519) 876-3018 Fax: (519) 876-3640

Bell Times

Start 8:15am
Break 9:55am - 10:35am
Break 12:15pm - 12:55pm
Dismissal 2:35pm
To Report an Absence
please call (519) 876-3018.
We are in School Bus Zone
1 and 4


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Learning at Home

Our School is Named after St. Peter CanisiusOur School is Named after St. Peter Canisius

History of Our School

St. Peter Canisius Roman Catholic School is located in Watford, ON in the County of Lambton. The school was built as a two room school in 1958. The first addition to this structure was built in 1963. A six room port-a-pack was added to the building in 1989.

St. Peter Canisius is a rural school serving 242 students in a predominately Dutch/Canadian farming community. Primarily, the students live in traditional family settings. These families are industrious and supportive. The extended family is a integral part of the fabric of this close-knit farming community.

The children are eager to please, practical minded, hard working and have a sense of joy in everyday life.They take responsibility for making contributions to the overall well being of the family ubit and school community.

Our school parents and parish community enjoy a close relationship. Together, we support and encourage our students to live the example of Christ in their faith journey.

Together we make St Peter Canisius, "A BETTER PLACE TO BE"

Community Use of Schools

Community Use of Schools Icon

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is committed to allowing our communities to use our schools for their events. For more information, click below to access the website for this program.

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Licensed Child Care Programs