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Sacred Heart Catholic School

1411 Lecaron Avenue
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 3J1

Phone: (519) 344-1601 Fax: (519) 344-3886

Monday, June 25

  • Pie in the Face Raffle Tickets for sale all week $1 each or 6 for $5. Donations will support Ronald McDonald House.

  • PLAY DAY and Pie in the Face Fundraiser in the PM

  • Report Cards go home today


Tuesday, June 26

  • FDK class trip

  • Grade 7/8 students going bowling


Wednesday, June 27

  • Grade 7/8 class trip to Greenview Aviaries

  • Grade 5 and Grade 6 trip to Fleetwood Bowl in London


Thursday, June 28

  • Last day of School

  • Awards Assembly and Farewell Assembly at 1pm

    • Farewell to our retirees: Mrs. Cocarell, Mrs. Ethridge, and Mrs. Graham

    • Farewell to staff members heading off to other assignments: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Caverly, Miss Burton, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Harding, Mme. Charrette


Friday, June 29

PD day