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Sacred Heart Catholic School

1411 Lecaron Avenue
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 3J1

Phone: (519) 344-1601 Fax: (519) 344-3886

Week at a Glance for April 20, 2019

Monday, April 22

  •  Happy Easter Monday


    Tuesday, April 23


    ($2.00 donation for a “shoe” to display in the hallway and the opportunity

    to wear a hat all day on Friday).

  • Lego League after school to 4:30pm

  • Badminton Practice at 8:10am

  • Junior Girls Basketball practice at lunch hour

  • Gym set up in the afternoon for our production of “Newsies” next week.

  • We are still in need of newspapers for the show. If you can send in any copies of Sarnia

     Journal, (this is the size that works best for us); it would be greatly appreciated.


    Wednesday, April 24      


    ($2.00 donation for a “shoe” to display in the hallway and the opportunity to wear a hat all day on Friday).

  • Continuation of Gym set up after school for our production of “Newsies” next week.

  • “Newsies” rehearsal after school to 4:30pm (Whole cast)


    Thursday, April 25


      ($2.00 donation for a “shoe” to display in the hallway and the opportunity to wear a hat all  

      day on Friday).

  • Sibling Picture Day

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation for students in Grade 2 in preparation for 1st Holy Communion


    Friday, April 26


    BLUE DAY – wear your BLUE today to support Diabetes Awareness.

    Image result for christian easter clipart($2.00 donation for a “shoe” to display in the hallway and the opportunity to wear a hat all day on Friday).

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