Assignment #10 - Job Application


Assignment Specific Objectives Briefcase

Job Readiness

JR2 completed job applications effectively and without spelling or grammatical errors


Sample Job Application

This assignment will give you practice filling out a paper job application. While some companies such as McDonalds have on-line job applications – most do not. Be sure to complete both sides of the application. Print Giant Tiger application. Print Superstore application.

The key to completing a paper copy of a job application is to print CLEARLY and NEATLY. You do not want to be called Jed if your name is Ted because your writing is sloppy and if your number 6 and 0 look alike you will never be called on your phone if you write it so they can not read it.

For some questions you might need additional information – dates you were in school, phone numbers of previous employers. Confidential information such as your SIN number should not be given until you are hired by the company.

Application forms are a more and more common way for firms to recruit as they can create their own application forms to extract just the right amount of information they require to call people in for interviews. The form does NOT look good if you have mistakes and crossings out or blobs all over an application form.

Make sure you follow the application form instructions (usually at the top of the form or with guidance notes included in the application pack), e.g. if it says "use a BLACK pen" use a black pen, historically this was to ensure the text was dark enough to photocopy clearly, but more and more these days it's a way for employers to check if you follow the most basic of instructions – if it says “use black pen” and you use blue, green or pink, why would you do that? Write clearly and don't use abbreviations.

It's advisable to read the whole form through first before you start completing it to make sure you don't answer part of a question in one question that crops up later in the application form.

Make sure you keep the application form free from dirt (e.g. don't drink your coffee over the form) and avoid folding it as much as possible. Don't use small envelopes to send back application forms, as you'll have to fold the form at least twice to fit. Application forms with coffee stains on them as well as ones which look like they were folded up and kept in someone's back pocket for a week are not impressive at all.