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Sacred Heart Catholic School

1411 Lecaron Avenue
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 3J1

Phone: (519) 344-1601 Fax: (519) 344-3886

Week at a Glance for May 28, 2018


May 28 2018

  Monday, May 28

  • Grade 3 EQAO AM today
  • Parish Connections – Knitting at the Church – lunch hour
  • Monday Liturgy @ 12:20pm
  • Track practice after school until 3:50pm

Tuesday, May 29

  • Grade 3 EQAO AM today
  • Grade 5 students at Ultimate Frisbee Tournament at St. Pat’s from 9am to 1:30pm
  • Grade 4 Art Goes to School in the PM at school

Wednesday, May 30     

  • Grade 3 EQAO AM today
  • Track practice after school until 3:50pm
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation for students in Grade 3-8 in the afternoon

Thursday, May 31                   

  • Grade 3 EQAO AM and PM today
  •    Track practice after school until 3:50pm
  •    PIZZA DAY

Friday, June 1

  • FIRST FRIDAY Fill the Barrel for St. Vincent de Paul (please donate non-perishable food items)
  •    Students in Grade 3 (Mrs. Geary), Grade 3/4 (Mrs. Disper and Bouma), and  Grade 5 (Mrs. Peace) going to Imperial Theatre for GLEE performance in the AM.
  • Grade 4 and Community Singers in the PM


  • In order to prevent injuries, please ensure that your child wears the proper footwear during gym classes (running shoes rather than Crocs or sandals) Thank you.
  •   As the warm weather approaches, please remember that we do have a proper dress policy in place.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and modestly for school. Shorts should be no shorter than approximately the fingertips of extended arms and shoulder straps on shirts should be at least three fingers wide. No muscle shirts / tank tops for boys.

Week at a Glance for May 14, 2018

Monday, May 14

  • Girls soccer practice at 8:10am

  • Boys Soccer Tournament at 1pm at Germain Park

  • Liturgy at 12:20pm

  • Parish connections (knitting, crochet) @ the Church 11:40-12:20

  • Track practice after school until 3:50pm


Tuesday, May 15

  • Girls Soccer Tournament at 1pm at Germain Park


Wednesday, May 16    

  • Boys/Girls Soccer Tournament Finals at 1pm at Germain Park if successful on Monday and Tuesday

  • Track practice after school until 3:50pm

  • Board Advisory Council meeting at 7:00pm at the Catholic Education Centre in Wallaceburg


Image result for subway sandwiches near meThursday, May 17


  • Track practice after school until 3:50pm


Friday, May 18

  • “Blast from the Past” Spirit Day – dress as was appropriate during your favourite period of time in history!


  • In order to prevent injuries, please ensure that your child wears the proper footwear during gym classes (running shoes rather than Crocs or sandals) Thank you.

  • As the warm weather approaches, please remember that we do have a proper dress policy in place.Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and modestly for school. Shorts should be no shorter than approximately the fingertips of extended arms and shoulder straps on shirts should be at least three fingers wide. No muscle shirts / tank tops for boys.

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