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St. Michael Catholic School

1930 Wildwood Drive Box 580
Bright's Grove, Ontario N0N 1C0

Phone: (519) 869-4204 Fax: (519) 869-6518

Bell Times

Start 8:10am
Break 9:50am - 10:05am
Midday 10:55am - 11:50am
Break 1:30pm - 1:45pm
Dismissal 2:35pm
To Report an Absence
please call (519) 869-4204.
We are in School Bus Zones
1 and 2


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Learning at Home

Our Principal
Steve DeGurse, Principal

St. Michael Roman Catholic School is located in a small suburban community along the southern shores of Lake Huron known as Brights Grove. We are one of two Catholic schools which are located within the parish of St. Michael.

The school offers a wide variety of programs in an effort to address the needs of the students in a holistic sense. Our catholicity serves as a basis for all of our undertakings. As well as a thrust towards providing the best possible core subject programs, there is a special strength provided through the staff in the area of music and drama. The students access a comprehensive integrated program opportunity in the utilization of computer technology across the curriculum. We are proud of our efforts to work in partnership with the students and parents in the delivery of inclusive Special Education support. Early literacy and reading improvement are major undertakings as witnessed by the commitment to staff development and resources across the grade levels. As well, our school’s aims and objectives currently include an emphasis on integrating literacy skills into other areas of the curriculum. Other aspects of the curriculum are enriched by accessing resources in the community such as VIP, Junior Achievement, Rebound programs, Lawrence House program for the Arts, dance and fitness programs, along with numerous parent volunteers who bring their expertise to the classroom.

A strong sense of “community” is prevalent at St. Michael. Our School Council, which represents a strong parent commitment to the growth of our Catholic education community in concert with the school and parish staff, makes a significant contribution to the improvement and success of St. Michael School. Parents also serve on many committees and assist in numerous functions where their expertise and support are valued. Hot lunches are offered on a regularly scheduled basis on the initiative of parent volunteers. Fundraising ventures, including Bingo and a magazine drive, add significantly to our operating budget. A garden project, science equipment, computer hardware and software, physical education equipment, replacement of playground equipment and classroom resources are but some of the projects supported in the past and continue to be funded.

The St. Michael’s parish priest and pastoral minister are a vital connection in celebrating our Catholic faith and enhancing our sense of community. Special events, para-liturgies and prayer services are celebrated at the church in accordance with the liturgical seasons. The pastoral team, along with community organizations such as St. Vincent de Paul Society, Rayjon, CWL, Knight’s of Columbus, Bluewater Optimist Club and others, work with our students to promote a sense of mission, social justice and global awareness.

Together, we work to improve and promote the quality of our educational environment for the children we serve.

If you missed our kinderSTARt event … don’t worry!  You still have plenty of time to register. Parents and guardians can now submit the Kindergarten registration form directly online!

 It’s another option for you – choose the option that best suits you!

  • Visit the Board website at to complete then submit the registration form online.  You will be contacted by the school to confirm your registration.
  • Or, download the registration form to Adobe PDF, complete then email to
  • Or, contact your school and pick up a registration package.

We look forward to welcoming your child to Full Day Kindergarten next September!

We look forward to welcoming your child to Full Day Kindergarten next September!

If you have any questions, call the school at 519-869-4204.

Principal:  Steve DeGurse


Get MS Office Free from your School

Microsoft Office 365 Education for Students is available for free to students who are enrolled with the St. Clair Catholic District School Board. Install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices, including Android, iPad®, and Windows tablets. For additional information, click here.

St Patrick's Logo

St. Patrick's Catholic High School

1001 The Rapids Parkway
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K2
Phone: 519-332-3976 Fax: 519-383-7024

Privacy Advisory

Our families and staff enjoy opportunities to share some of their activities with parents and the school community through teams, clubs and special events. Many of these are ‘memory making’ for families and as such, photographs and videos are often taken.

We ask that families exercise their discretion when taking photographs or videos at school events and consider the privacy of other students who may also be present in those pictures. We would appreciate if families not upload images of students other than their own to the Internet (e.g. YouTube or Facebook). Your cooperation with this request is appreciated.

Community Use of Schools

Community Use of Schools Icon

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is committed to allowing our communities to use our schools for their events. For more information, click below to access the website for this program.

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Licensed Child Care Programs