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St. Anne Catholic School

183 Snow Avenue Box 2038
Blenheim, Ontario N0P 1A0

Phone: (519) 676-7352 Fax: (519) 676-7349

Bell Times

Start 9:15am
Break 10:55am - 11:10am
Midday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Break 2:25pm - 2:40pm
Dismissal 3:30pm
To Report an Absence
please call (519) 676-7352.
We are in School Bus Zone 7


Edsby Link

Learning at Home

Our Principal
Julie Knight, Principal

Welcome to St. Anne Catholic School in Blenheim - Home of the Blazing Stars!   It is such a pleasure to serve this community and welcome all families and students, new and old, into our Christ-centered learning environment.  

This year promises to be a year filled with abundant learning - where our students are growing in faith and academic excellence. Our commitment is to provide exceptional Catholic Education, which will foster the development of our students’ spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual talents and abilities.

We are so very blessed to be located in close enough proximity to the Church and to work with our Parish to provide opportunities for our students to attend church regularly. The home - school - and church connection is an important relationship which works together to deepen our students’ faith and teach them to live out the Gospel values. 

In order to make this year a successful one, communication between home and school is critical. Look for our school newsletter and calendar the last  week of each month. They can also be viewed on the website – just look under “Schools” click on “Visit Our Schools.” Then select “St. Anne, Blenheim” and click on the links at the top of the page to view the school newsletter and calendar. Each classroom teacher will also send out frequent newsletters to update you of important happenings within the classroom.  We encourage you to visit or to call the school should you have any questions or concerns. We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with you in partnership.  

Our school community is fortunate to be filled with dedicated staff, which includes teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, school secretaries, our wonderful custodians and our librarian. Each of us is here to support our students and families in making this year a successful one.

We look forward to a wonderful year!!

If you missed our kinderSTARt event … don’t worry!  You still have plenty of time to register. Parents and guardians can now submit the Kindergarten registration form directly online!

 It’s another option for you – choose the option that best suits you!

  • Visit the Board website at to complete then submit the registration form online.  You will be contacted by the school to confirm your registration.
  • Or, download the registration form to Adobe PDF, complete then email to
  • Or, contact your school and pick up a registration package.

We look forward to welcoming your child to Full Day Kindergarten next September!

If you have any questions, call the school at 519-676-7352.

Principal:  Julie Knight       Vice Principal: Courtney Mellow


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Join Us: St. Michael’s Parish Hall, Ridgetown

Saturday Mornings - April 18, 2020 until June 27, 2020 9-11 am

Breakfast – Video – Discussion and Fellowship

 Sign up for Alpha by calling
St. Michael’s parish office at
(519) 674-3343


email Lisa Heil at

Babysitting will be provided

Get MS Office Free from your School

Microsoft Office 365 Education for Students is available for free to students who are enrolled with the St. Clair Catholic District School Board. Install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices, including Android, iPad®, and Windows tablets. For additional information, click here.

UCC Logo

Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6
Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-2988

Privacy Advisory

Our families and staff enjoy opportunities to share some of their activities with parents and the school community through teams, clubs and special events. Many of these are ‘memory making’ for families and as such, photographs and videos are often taken.

We ask that families exercise their discretion when taking photographs or videos at school events and consider the privacy of other students who may also be present in those pictures. We would appreciate if families not upload images of students other than their own to the Internet (e.g. YouTube or Facebook). Your cooperation with this request is appreciated.

Community Use of Schools

Community Use of Schools Icon

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is committed to allowing our communities to use our schools for their events. For more information, click below to access the website for this program.

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Licensed Child Care Programs